Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Crunden-Martin manufactured woodenware and metal goods in this location from 1891 to 1990.
"As early as 1882, the St. Louis riverfront became the nation's chief distribution point of wooden and willow wares. The woodenware trade included an extensive variety of articles including buckets, casks, tubs, ladles, bread bowls and other household utensils. Willow ware included baskets and other articles. With the rising local industry came associated cordage, rope, brooms, wrapping paper, paper bags, stove polish and axle grease. During WWII, Crunden-Martin manufactured helmets, stoves, buckets and five-gallon gasoline 'jerry cans' for the U. S. military"
In 1990 Crunden-Martin filled bankruptcy and the buildings were sold at auction two years later.
On December 8, 2011, building #5 (constructed in 1912) caught fire. Luckily the majority of the damage was limited to the top three floors.

Labels: abandoned, industrial, saint louis, urban ruins, warehouse