Tuesday, June 24, 2014
The Old Federal Building in Hannibal Missouri was completed in 1888 and is the second oldest civil structure in Missouri. Local congressman William Henry Hatch is credited for rescuing this building when construction was suspended at the second floor due to insufficient funds. Fearing the building would have to be truncated prior to completion, he was able to get additional appropriations through congress in order to complete the building as originally designed. This building takes design cues from the Old Post Office building in Saint Louis, both of which are considered examples of "Second Empire" style. The Oak and Pine hardwood found throughout the interior was supplied in 1888 and retains its natural finish in the large Court Room on the third floor.
Among other tenants, the building housed the Post Office, the Internal Revenue Service, Army and Navy recruiters and even the Prohibition Enforcement Office during prohibition. The upper levels were last occupied by the Navy until they vacated in 1979. Since then it has been sporadically rented out to various short-term tenants but now it is mostly vacant.
Historic photo and information sourced via NROHB nomination form.
Begin Historic Photos

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Labels: 1800s, architecture, courthouse, federal, government, historic
Monday, June 23, 2014
Saint Elizabeth Hospital in Hannibal, Missouri was built in stages beginning in 1915 and continuing through the 1970s. It was the first private hospital in the area and was founded by the Sisters of St Francis. Various additions throughout the years were devised to keep up with medical advances, such as x-ray equipment, iron lungs and new operating theaters. This hospital was dedicated to providing the best care possible and was described as "one of the best appointed hospitals in the state" and "among the most modern in the country".
St Elizabeth's remained active until the replacement building was erected in the early 1990s. It was subsequently used by a variety of other businesses until 2009. Sadly, the once proud medical building now languishes in an advanced state of disrepair.
Historic photos and information sourced via NROHB nomination form.

Labels: abandoned, Hannibal, historic, hospital, institution, medical, urban ruins