Wednesday, February 11, 2015
The Old Fitzgibbon Hospital aka "Bad Trip Hospital" was constructed in the early 1920's. By the 1950's, the hospital was becoming overcrowded and plans were made for an expansion. In 1954, almost 2,000 patients were admitted and over 300 babies were born here.
By the 1980's, the Board decided the old facilities were no longer sufficient to meet the needs of the local community. New land was purchased across town and the new hospital was opened in the early 1990's.
Armed with this knowledge we set off to explore an old hospital.
Our expedition started off normally enough, but strange hallucinations soon confused all of our senses. Something felt quite "off" here the moment we stepped inside but the journey had only just begun. We continued onward, going deeper inside the darkness until we merged with the shadows. A technicolor horse lie sleeping in the hallway. Was he guarding the elevator or perhaps waiting for his rider to return from some other level? We silently slipped past, careful not to wake him. We'll just take the stairs. Paintings on the wall depicted devilish scenes and dinosaur kings. A blue man melted in the stairway. What strange trip was now taking hold of us? I began to replay the last few meals I had, hoping to recall consuming anything questionable which might explain the things I was seeing. Eventually we found ourselves on the next floor. I'm certain it was either the basement or the roof. A lizard crawled across the wall with a clock on his back. The time on the lizard was 3:22 but I knew damn well it was only 11:30. No sense in arguing, I thought. I didn't like my odds in a fight with a reptile twice my size. Snakes hissed from the eyes of an Aztec sun. Curling and menacing they coiled around my mind, choking what little coherency I had left. A grotesque monster contorted on the floor with part of his face hanging off. An expressionless head floated nearby, lending him some spatial cognizance. Elsewhere we found children's toys pinned to the ceiling as if specimens in an Entomology display. I wondered if the curator of this nightmarish museum would be returning any time soon. Did we just become the newest exhibits in his collection? Perhaps if we explained ourselves to the floating head... Surely he would take pity on us forsaken travelers. Send a telegram to the right people, at least let them know what happened to us. The floating head stared ahead silently. I could feel his condescension. The contempt in his eyes betrayed his wide, friendly smile. We were not welcome here.
Click here for video.
Labels: abandoned, hallucinations, hospital, institutional, medical, Missouri, nightmares, road trip, storytime, weird
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Memorial Mound in Bessemer Alabama closed in 2002 and left some of its residents behind. According to "The Alabama Department of Public Health has no authority over burial sites." The authorities knew about the situation here but nothing was done about it until photos of a corpse showed up on the internet.
NOTE: They have since removed the bodies.

Labels: death, funeral home, NSFL, NSFW
The Barite Mill and Grinding Plant was active into the early 2000's. When it shut down, it was the last facility of its type in the area. It has been vacant for about a decade and most of the equipment has been removed.
This place was pretty boring before the guys with guns showed up. Deer hunters, evidently, had walked up and hung out right outside while we were still inside. Fortunately our parties did not meet up close.

Labels: abandoned, industrial, mine
Monday, February 9, 2015
This is a revisit. For background information, see my previous visit here
We could tell something was happening out here. A construction trailer set up next to the building and the ground was being cleared out..
For half a century these structures stood in a remote corner of the woods, forgotten by nearly everyone who had a part in their existence. Few visitors would ever wander out to see them, in part due to the fact that they're on the wrong side of a fence whose disregard could earn steep penalties. Time wound on while vines slowly crept up the walls and nature worked to reclaim an incongruent monstrosity. This is the kind of place that exists outside of the watch of the general public and everyday life. The hands of time seemed to be the only ones here for many years and this was evident in the quiet stillness found inside. Even the animals didn't seem comfortable venturing inside; the only sounds were faint dripping echoes and leaves shaking in the wind. Like concrete temples they stood watch over the woods and cast an ominous presence therein. It seemed like they had been here and would continue to be here forever. But now their clock has run out and the wrecking ball is transforming them into dust once more. This trip represents probably the last time this location would host any adventurers.

Labels: abandoned, equadome, government, industrial, wwii