Friday, September 1, 2017
In the late 1800's, prospectors discovered a large gold deposit beneath the hills on which this mine is now located. This discovery went on to become one of the most prosperous gold mines in the area for many years. Originally there were several independently claimed mines here but they were consolidated in the 1890's. In today's dollars, the gold mined here amounted to approximately $100 Million, or about 70,000 troy ounces. Armed guards were stationed inside the mine where miners were frisked before returning to the surface. The main shaft extends over 1,000 feet straight down, with nine levels branching off from it in all directions, amounting to more than 30 miles of tunnels. This gold mine operated from the late 1800's until some time around 1970. The current owner is battling legal issues which prevent it from being used in any capacity now.
Today, the rusting head frame still stands above the 1,000 foot shaft which is slowly trying to consume everything above it. The cage rocks back and forth in the wind, still held in position where the last hoist operator left it decades ago.
Click here for the video.
Begin Historic Photos
End Historic Photos

I was pretty excited about this tunnel until I got closer and saw that it was gated off to such a degree that I couldn't get past. Sticking my camera inside was such a tease.