Monday, October 22, 2012
This is the morgue from the Forest Park Hospital (formerly Deaconess) in Saint Louis, Missouri.
The morgue was in use recently. In fact, the last autopsy is still recorded on the whiteboard.
Organ weight in grams:
Brain: 1350
Left Lung: 1850
Heart: 800
Liver: 2400
Left Kidney: 400
Spleen: 700

Labels: abandoned, autopsy, death, forest park hospital, formaldehyde, gurney, haunted, historic, hospital, institutional, morgue, saint louis, urban ruins, urbex

Labels: abandoned, old house, residential, ruins, rural exploration, urbex
Thursday, October 18, 2012
This old house sits on a large plot of scenic farmland. The backyard consists of tree-lined rolling green hills and a lake. This once picturesque farm now lies deserted. Judging by the calendar found still clinging to the wall, no-one has lived here since 1963.

Labels: abandoned, old house, residential, ruins, rural exploration, urbex
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Labels: abandoned, old house, rural exploration, sublunar, urbex