Sunday, June 19, 2022
Foundry #4 is, as far as I can tell, the oldest factory from this company still standing. The company itself was formed in the 1820's and, after achieving great success with some of its early products, quickly rose to prominence as a premier manufacturer with locations across the globe. The company is well known for its many varieties of products which found their way into "most" heavy machinery in use in the United States at the turn of the century. The company was also directly responsible for the increased adoption and use of electricity, particularly in regard to smaller electric plants in rural areas, along with many other notable contributions to the Industrial Revolution.
They continue to be active in the defense industry today and while this equipment is no longer in use, their current products fill the warehouse shelves under the same roof that was erected when this foundry began, which I estimate to be some time in the early-mid 1900's. For exanple: the Lectromelt Furnace that this foundry was built around appears identical to models shown in 1930's advertisements. I have otherwise found very little information that would help to determine the exact age of this site.
Click here for the video.

Labels: 1900's, factory, foundry, historic, industrial