
The Lemp Brewery copyright sublunar

Table of Contents

  • The Lemp Brewery
  • Lemp/Cherokee Cave
  • Western Cable Railway
  • Lemp Mansion
  • Lemp Ephemera
  • Lemp Advertisements
  • Myths and Rumors
  • The Lemp Mansion Cave Connection
  • The Ghost Photo
  • The Ghost Photo

    For the record: As an adult with functional critical thinking skills, I actually hate myself a little for bringing this up and adding to the ghost stories surrounding Lemp which have always seemed, to me, rather childish and degrading. But this is the most "convincing" ghost photo that I've ever seen, beside the fact that this appeared on my own camera.. it was taken inside the Lemp Brewery. So I felt obligated to share this.

    In all of my years of exploring scary places and the thousands of photographs I've taken, I've only ever had ONE "ghost" show up. This apparition happened to appear in an unexpected location: the Bottling Department at the Lemp Brewery. I didn't "sense" anything at the time, I only saw it when going through my photos. And I wouldn't have even thought much of it, except that if I suspend my skepticism.. it sure looks a hell of a lot like one of the most well-known photographs of Lillian Handlan, otherwhise known as the Lavender Lady who is rumored to haunt the nearby mansion. Take a look for yourself. My photo is completely unedited and nothing about it was staged or intentional. Please also appreciate the fact that I'm including the original straight out of camera file for anyone to inspect.

    Is this a real photo of a real ghost? YES*. YES, IT IS*.

    Notice that the camera is not focused on the background, but on the apparition. Notice also that this is not somebody wearing a sheet, or some other easily identifiable trickery. The apparition appears as a sort of mist hanging in the air. I don't know how you could possibly fake something like this. I encourage anyone to attempt to explain it. Observe the outline of a large hat (which, in addition to lavender, Lillian Handlan was famous for wearing). Observe the rough outline of a face, poofy hair, shoulders and a flowing dress. Notice also that the "pose" of this apparition is incredibly similar to the photo of Lillian. I'm not insisting this is the ghost of Lillian Handlan, though [Feel free to insert anyone from the bygone era of big hats and flowy dresses in her place]. I just immediately thought of the photo of Lillian when I saw this photo. Maybe it's Louise Lemp's ghost. Maybe it's just steam that happened to appear in the shape of a woman in a flowing dress with a wide smile and big hat. Either way, it IS an unidentified floating object.

    Here you go, kids. The most convincing, real, unedited, photographic evidence of a ghost ever captured by anyone, ever*.

    Lemp Brewery Real Ghost Convincing Photo Evidence
    Lemp Brewery Ghost Photo. And here's the original, straight out of camera file to analyze. Yes, it was taken with a Kodak z710 point and shoot camera. Look, it was actually a decent little camera back then, ok?

    Lemp Brewery Real Ghost Convincing Photo Evidence
    For those of you who completely lack imagination, here's an overlay to give you an idea where the features I desrcibe seeing would be located. Scroll back up and tell me that isn't just a little spooky.

    *I am not a certified ghost scientist.